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Why is it So Important to Get a Car Key Duplicated?

Today’s cars are much more advanced than they thirty years ago.

If you own a car that was manufactured before 1981, you likely have a simple metal key that is inserted in the ignition to start the car. On most modern cars, however, the key has an electronically coded computer chip implanted in its plastic base and or sensors that require codes to match up in order to start the car. 

Most modern cars have a transponder key, which has a computer microchip embedded in a round plastic body.  The microchip responds to a radio signal sent from the car’s computer when the key is turned in the ignition. The computer chip is programmed to send a coded signal back to the car's computer in order to start the engine. If the code is incorrect, the engine will not start. Many cars will shut down if the wrong key is used.

Some newer cars come with Smart keys, which are not really keys at all. They are a FOB that can be inserted in a spot in the dashboard or carried with you either on your person or in your purse. The driver turns the car on and off with the press of a button near the steering wheel. The FOB has computer microchips or a sensor that will open and start the car. Most times, the person only needs to have the FOB on their person in proximity to the car for the car to unlock and start.

If you lock your keys in your car, there are only two ways to get it unlocked. Call a Locksmith or use a duplicate key.

If you lose your car key, you might need to have your car towed to a dealership to get a replacement key made unless you had a duplicate of the original made and can locate it.

With modern transponder keys and keyless systems, it can be expensive to replace your key if you lose it or lock it in your car. These keys need to be programmed specifically to your car. Most people do not have the time to leave their car and wait for the replacement key to be made because they need their car immediately, thus you pay a higher fee for “emergency service”.
You plan for emergencies by putting jumper cables in your trunk and a flashlight in your glove compartment. You need to go further and get a duplicate of your car key made.

You could ask your dealership to make you a duplicate key but many automotive locksmiths can do it for almost 50% less. An Automotive locksmith uses the newest technology to cut your new key or obtain a FOB and program it on the spot to specifically match your key no matter what model car you drive.  

Car Key Duplicated

It is almost unheard of for someone to get around in today’s world without owning a car. We rely on our cars to get us back and forth to work and leisure time activities, to pick up kids from school and get supplies and groceries from the store. If you lock your key in the car or lose your car key, you are stranded until you can find someone to unlock your car or get a replacement key made—unless you had the forethought to get a duplicate key made BEFORE you actually needed it.